My blog has moved to http://frameshiftcoaching.wordpress.com. Please update your links!
One of my goals is to grow my blog even bigger. So here's what I'm taking on:
1. Build a new-and-improved blog site. I've already done this one, and here it is:
Yes, I never thought I'd willingly leave a Google-owned product, but here I am. Wordpress rocks. So please update your links to my blog accordingly!
2. Double my blog readership! For this one, I'm going to need YOUR help. Is there anyone you know who would enjoy reading my blog? Anyone who could benefit from it? Send them the link! Do you have a website on which you could put a link to my blog? Please link it! I must confess that it is a little scary for me to ask for your help like this, but as the saying goes:
The great happiness lie on the other side of the great fears
Thank you, in advance, for your help with my quest to go BIG!
What is your big September goal? I'd like to invite you to share your goal in a comment to this blogpost. It's one thing to entertain a goal in your head, and quite another to share it, risk being vulnerable, and let other people support you in your quest. Please share your big goal with us, and use the new blog site to do it!
If you work hard, then you will reap nice rewardsThat sounds like a pretty good theory to live by. The industrious ant storing up food for the winter, and such. But I have also developed a corollary to this theory:
If something comes to me with little work, it must be flawed.Interesting. So I am essentially equating value with how much work I put in. This was why I didn't want to pursue the bikes for sale on the street, because what could be easier than just picking up a bike off the street on the way to the coffee shop? In order to find a quality bike, I felt I needed to search Craigslist, compare at least 10 bikes, visit them, negotiate, think about it... make the whole thing a huge ordeal. THEN I would find a quality bike. But picking one up off the street couldn't possibly result in my obtaining a quality bike.
I need to go through a huge ordeal in order to find qualityAnd replace it with a theory that works better for me. How about this one:
Quality isn't necessarily correlated with ordeal size.So I tested out that last bike on the street, and guess what? Now I have a bike. No ordeal required :)
"It’s a great idea but unfortunately that’s all it is: an idea. I lack the necessary writing skills to bring this project to reality. I can’t do dialogue at all. Writing a script would be way over my head. I should just stick to what I do best which is premises.
I just don’t have the kind of brain for plot twists and catchy dialogue. There are people out there for whom writing comes easy. The fact that it is hard for me is a sign that I should just leave it to the pros.
I don’t even know where to begin. The fact that I don’t know where to begin is a sign that I shouldn’t. Writers know where to begin. They have a technique to this stuff. I don’t have the base of knowledge necessary to undertake something this large. It would be a hot mess. It’s just better to devote that amount of time to something else.
Maybe I could do it, but I couldn’t do it well so I’d rather just not do it at all."
"It’s a great idea but unfortunately that’s all it is: an idea. Of course it’s just an idea. All projects, large and small, start out as an idea in someone’s head. The difference is that they followed through on theirs.
I lack the necessary writing skills to bring this project to reality. How is it possible to know that when I haven’t even tried it yet?
I can’t do dialogue at all. Ridiculous. Being an actor gives me a well trained ear for not only scene structure but the rhythm of good dialogue.
Writing a script would be way over my head. I should just stick to what I do best which is premises. There’s no reason why this should be way over my head. People much less talented and qualified than me finish script all the time. It is entirely possible for me to do so.
I just don’t have the kind of brain for plot twists and catchy dialogue. There are people out there for whom writing comes easy. The fact that it is hard for me is a sign that I should just leave it to the pros. NOT TRUE. The vast majority of working writers speak of being lost for long periods of time on projects. My idea of an easy birthing process is a myth. It’s wishing to have the end result without the work, pure and simple.
I don’t even know where to begin. The fact that I don’t know where to begin is a sign that I shouldn’t. Writers know where to begin. They have a technique to this stuff. I know exactly where to begin. I could finish plotting my outline where I left off in class. My old class notes that I’ve kept would give me a huge leg up towards getting some work done, and the steps necessary to do that.
I don’t have the base of knowledge necessary to undertake something this large. It would be a hot mess. It’s just better to devote that amount of time to something else. Chicken! This is an excuse. I would love to work on a project like this and it’s a logical next step in my career. This is fear of failure. The truth is I have EXACTLY the base of knowledge necessary to complete a project like this. I’m an actor with an intrinsic instinct for structure, dialogue and building drama. All I have to do is channel this existing talent into this new project. It should be fairly simple actually.
Maybe I could do it, but I couldn’t do it well so I’d rather just not do it at all. Brat! “I won’t wanna!” I can do this. I know in my heart that I can not only do this well, but knock it out of the ballpark. The only thing that is stopping me is my fear. I don’t like playing games I’m not already the best at. But if I put my mind to it I could write a first draft of this script easily in my free time.
"When you were showing off in front of your friends at my expense, you were being a cold, insensitive witch. You need to love me for who I am. You'd better stop joking about me in front of your friends."to:
"When you told your friends that I dance like the love child of a robot and a buffalo, I felt self-conscious, alone, and embarassed. I need to feel supported when I express myself, no matter what that expression might look like. Would you be willing to refrain from making jokes about me in front of your friends?"Formulaic, maybe, but ultimately a good communication tool. Try it out and see how it goes!
"... I have become a prolific writer. My imagination is robust and thriving, thanks to the fact that I listen closely to my inner voice. Storytelling comes easily to me, and, according to the reviews, I create novels with vivid, unforgettable characters, thought-provoking ideas, a fascinating, engaging storyline, and gorgeous writing. Writing is effortless for me. On the days when it goes more slowly, I keep at it, trusting completely that I’m still moving in the right direction, which I am. I take immense pleasure doing what I know I was put on this earth to do, that I’m letting my talent flourish. Doing this work gives me a great feeling of freedom and joy, and when I finish each book and send it off to my agent (who loves it)—and then see it a year later in bookstores—wheeee!—I feel tremendous satisfaction that I am in charge of my life and I’ve channeled my best self—the Rachel who is a go-getter, who has initiative, who lets her talent shine, who goes after what she wants in a BIG, BIG way!
Imagine my excitement when I receive the call that the film rights have been bought by XX and it’s being made into a movie starring XX! I feel on top of the world, and so proud of myself for beating down any obstacle that came my way!..."
"I don’t feel like writing. I haven’t written in days and now going back to it feels incredibly daunting. I don’t know where I left off. I don’t know where I am with it. How will I ever finish this book? I’ve never finished a book before, what makes me think I can do it this time? I don’t know how to write a novel. I suck as a writer. I’m fooling myself thinking I can finish a book and have it be something people will want to read. What do I have to say that people would want to read? I’m a total fraud, for years telling people that I am working on a novel, all those years working on something but never finishing it. I am sick of not being able to trust myself. I am scared of finishing this book and having it be terrible. Because then what? All I’ve wanted to do since I was four years old was write novels, and now if it turns out I can’t do it, what a crushing disappointment. If I can do it, then why haven’t I succeeded in doing it yet? The fact that I haven’t made this dream happen is the biggest disappointment of my life so far. I feel like a huge failure."I guarantee there is not a reader on this blog who has not felt this way about something at some point in time. What resonates with us is the fear. Fear that if she tries and fails, she will be worthless. Fear that other people will reject her. Fear that she might come to find that her whole life was built on a lie. Yikes, who wouldn't be scared of that?