My blog has moved to http://frameshiftcoaching.wordpress.com. Please update your links!
One of my goals is to grow my blog even bigger. So here's what I'm taking on:
1. Build a new-and-improved blog site. I've already done this one, and here it is:
Yes, I never thought I'd willingly leave a Google-owned product, but here I am. Wordpress rocks. So please update your links to my blog accordingly!
2. Double my blog readership! For this one, I'm going to need YOUR help. Is there anyone you know who would enjoy reading my blog? Anyone who could benefit from it? Send them the link! Do you have a website on which you could put a link to my blog? Please link it! I must confess that it is a little scary for me to ask for your help like this, but as the saying goes:
The great happiness lie on the other side of the great fears
Thank you, in advance, for your help with my quest to go BIG!
What is your big September goal? I'd like to invite you to share your goal in a comment to this blogpost. It's one thing to entertain a goal in your head, and quite another to share it, risk being vulnerable, and let other people support you in your quest. Please share your big goal with us, and use the new blog site to do it!
If you work hard, then you will reap nice rewardsThat sounds like a pretty good theory to live by. The industrious ant storing up food for the winter, and such. But I have also developed a corollary to this theory:
If something comes to me with little work, it must be flawed.Interesting. So I am essentially equating value with how much work I put in. This was why I didn't want to pursue the bikes for sale on the street, because what could be easier than just picking up a bike off the street on the way to the coffee shop? In order to find a quality bike, I felt I needed to search Craigslist, compare at least 10 bikes, visit them, negotiate, think about it... make the whole thing a huge ordeal. THEN I would find a quality bike. But picking one up off the street couldn't possibly result in my obtaining a quality bike.
I need to go through a huge ordeal in order to find qualityAnd replace it with a theory that works better for me. How about this one:
Quality isn't necessarily correlated with ordeal size.So I tested out that last bike on the street, and guess what? Now I have a bike. No ordeal required :)